Monday, August 2, 2010

Still not quite ready for prime time

It's been six months since my stroke.

Last week I added two accomplishments: tying my shoe laces, and hugging Neal--with both my arms.

But I wish that my progress could be faster.

This evening, for example,  I had some sequencing problems. Here's a piece of  pie that I served myself with ice cream:

Note to self: microwave the pie then serve the ice cream

(Thanks to Brain Injury X-Posed: The Survivor's View for inspiration) .


  1. Hi Grace, I'm Dan -- a friend of Cindy's -- live in cohousing. Today Cindy emailed some of us a link to your blog.

    I'm so touched by your blog. Actually what you remind me is that all of us make mistakes and have things we try to do but have difficulties. For instance I have difficulty singing on pitch -- and I love to sing!

    What I love about your blog is that you have a great sense of humor about things that most of us would rather forget.

  2. Thank you Dan for the words of encouragement.

  3. Hi Grace! This is Laura, now back in Haiti -- Deborah sent me the link to this blog and I check it once in a while. I love it! It is lovely, poignant and makes me laugh out loud (you are very funny and very centered, and have a good sense of humor and apparent patience with yourself). I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly and that you maintain your sense of wonder, amusement, and introspection. And thank you for the card you sent last month -- it was so touching. Best of luck and everything else!

  4. Thank you, Laura. Best of luck in Haiti. I will be thinking of you.

  5. your photo of pie and ice cream made me laugh out loud. thanks for your great sense of humor and humility.
